Laser Tattoo Removal In Toronto In 2024: Everything To Know - LMC
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Everything to Know About Laser Tattoo Removal

In many ways, tattoos are a beautiful form of self-expression. They can tell a story of whom someone is and add personality to one’s style. In recent years, they’ve become extremely popular; so much that every 2 out of 10 Canadians has at least one. Even with all of the benefits that come with tattoos, humans aren’t perfect and people make mistakes and look for laser tattoo removal services. Sometimes, people begin to resent a tattoo on their body whether due to an absentminded decision, an ended relationship or something as simple as growing out of a tattoo’s meaning. Regardless of the reason, there is nothing worse than having a tattoo that doesn’t connect with you anymore.

The good news? You can get a tattoo removed with laser tattoo removal in a safe & highly effective manner. Here at LMC Laser Medical Clinic, we want to discuss the ins and outs of laser tattoo removal so you can better determine if it is the right treatment for you (spoiler alert: we bet it is!).

A General Outline of the Process

Before getting anything done, a consultation must be had. During this consultation, a specialist will have a discussion with you about your tattoo, measure the tattoo, take a close look at the ink, etc. Once your tattoo has been properly analyzed, the next step is coming up with a plan for your removal.

When you begin an appointment for your laser tattoo removal, the first thing a specialist will do is clean the tattoo. In general, most removal sessions last no longer than 15 minutes and specialists will use additional numbing creams on the area to ensure you feel as comfortable as possible. Once the appointment is over, someone will provide you with an aftercare kit/instruction guide so that your skin stays as healthy as possible during the healing process. Sessions can be repeated so long as they are spaced around six-eight weeks apart. These appointments will be replicated until the tattoo is fully removed.

How Many Sessions Will It Take?

Now that we have a general rundown on how sessions of laser tattoo removal work, the next question to answer is how many sessions will be needed before your tattoo is gone. In almost every case imaginable, it is 100% possible for a tattoo to be removed entirely with laser tattoo removal. For the interest of not wasting your time, however, our team at LMC Laser Medical Clinic will always be honest if we feel as though your tattoo can not be completely removed.

On average, with the cutting-edge Cutera enlighten III laser tattoo removal at LMC – Laser Medical Clinic most people will require only three to four sessions vs other laser tattoo removal technologies on the market which require from 8 up to 15 sessions. If you want to be certain that your treatments are working effectively, try to avoid smoking, drinking or anything that could impede on your body’s ability to focus all its energy on healing your skin.

Does it Hurt?

Not many people know much about the process of laser tattoo removal, but many seem to know information about the pain. This is understandable as people want to be as comfortable as possible before doing a treatment they’ve never had done before. The short answer to this question is, yes it will likely be a little painful. The long answer is everyone has a different pain tolerance, and while one may report the pain as feeling no more painful than a rubber band snapping against your skin, others will say it feels like an electric shock. Every person reacts to it differently.

The silver lining, however, is that these sessions are extremely fast. This is especially true if it is being done on a medium/small sized tattoo. You can also ask for a break at any time and the specialists will stop the laser so you can let your skin settle for a minute or two.

Work With Our Team Today

If the information we’ve provided has helped you feel more comfortable about the process of tattoo removal and you’d like to learn more, let our team here at LMC Laser Medical Clinic help. For years, our staff has provided patients with the most advanced, safe and high quality cosmetic medical procedures in the GTA. To learn more about what our clinic can do to help with your situation, be sure to call our front desk at (416) 548-6548 today! We look forward to speaking with you.

To book your complimentary consultation appointment, call us at 416-548-6548

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