#1 Effective PRP/ PRF Under Eyes Treatment For Dark Circles
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ARTHREX ACP PRP / PRF Under Eyes for Eyes Dark Circles & Bags

What are the causes of under eyes bags, dark circles and hollows?

Sometimes, those annoying bags, dark circles, and pigmentation under your eyes can be caused by things like not eating right, drinking too much, or soaking up too much sun. Often, just switching up your habits to healthier ones can make these issues go away.

But, there are times when just eating better or cutting down on sunbathing isn’t enough. That’s where PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) & PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin)treatments for under your eyes can come in handy:

  1. Genetics: Some folks are just more likely to get dark circles under their eyes because of their family history. This can make the skin under the eyes look kind of blue because of the veins showing through the thin skin.
  2. Age: Let’s face it, we all get older. As we age, our skin doesn’t stay as stretchy and doesn’t fix itself as well as it used to. The skin under our eyes gets thinner, making those tiny veins stand out more and creating dark circles.
  3. Allergies: People who get allergies might notice they get puffiness under their eyes more often. This happens because they have small blood vessels under their eyes that can get swollen with fluids.

PRP/ PRF treatments can be a real help for these under-eye issues, especially when lifestyle changes alone don’t do the trick. It’s a way to tackle the problem when it’s more about what you inherited or the natural process of aging, rather than just lifestyle choices.

PRP/  PRF treatments work by using your own blood. Here’s how it goes: a small amount of blood is taken from your arm, just like a regular blood test. Then, this blood is spun in a machine to separate out the platelets, which are tiny parts of your blood that help with healing. This concentrated platelet-rich plasma or platelet-rich fibrin is then carefully injected back under your eyes. The idea is that these platelets will kickstart your skin’s natural healing process, helping to rejuvenate and refresh the skin in that area.

What’s great about PRP / PRF is that it’s using your body’s own resources to help fix the problem. This means there’s less risk of allergic reactions or your body rejecting the treatment. It’s a more natural approach to dealing with those stubborn under-eye issues.

PRP/ PRF can be particularly effective if you’re dealing with the kind of under-eye bags, dark circles, or pigmentation that don’t seem to budge no matter how well you eat, how much you sleep, or how diligently you apply sunscreen. For those who have these problems due to genetic factors or the natural aging process, PRP/ PRF offers a way to address these concerns more directly and effectively.

How does PRP / PRF Therapy work to treat under eye dark circles and bags?

Using PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) or PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) Therapy, you can treat under eye circles and bags with a natural, non-surgical approach. One of LMC’s cosmetic nurses extracts the patient’s own blood and separates the plasma which contains the valuable growth factors from the rest of the blood’s components. As a result of the injection of this personal regenerative serum into the problem areas, in this case the under the eyes area, tissues are given the boost they require to repair and rejuvenate the tissues under the eyes

As a result PRP/ PRF under eyes treatment can: 

PRP Under Eye F.A.Q​

The treatments required are extremely individual to the person. Usually 2-3 or sometimes more sessions with a month or so spacing in between are done to ensure the best results although you should already see results even after the first injection.

It is important to remember that ageing and allergies don’t go away overnight, so follow up treatments can be expected in six to twelve months based on your age, your body’s response to the treatments, and the severity of your case when you began treatment.

Due to the delicate nature of the eye area, initial concerns about PRP/ PRF under eye treatment recovery are understandable. Due to the fact that PRP/ PRF is extracted from your own blood, there is no foreign substance entering your body. Consequently, there is little impact on the body. Immediately following PRP/ PRF under-eye treatment, the under eye area may flush or appear red, which usually subsides within three days. After PRP/ PRF under eye injections, there can be mild tingling in the treatment area, soreness and swelling and this may occur for up to three days. Injection sites may be bruised for several weeks after the injection.

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